Friday, November 6, 2020

Dirty Diet Coke

Ever heard of Sodalicious or Fiiz? I realized I haven't shared my favorite drink on here!! It's a super easy twist on your classic soda, or "pop" as we Kansans call it! ;) I actually use Coke Zero; you can really use any pop of your choice!

Diet Coke

Coconut syrup


Cream (I get the Vanilla Coffee Mate, you could also use heavy cream)

*Fill a glass with ice. Pour pop over, then add about 1tsp of cream and 1 Tbsp syrup (adjust to your liking). Squeeze half of a lime into the drink and drop it in. Enjoy! I have give little "dirty diet coke kits" to friends before and am including the cute printable from Summer Adams in case you want to do the same!