Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Lunch Box Tip: Soaking Apple Slices

This comes from foodloversplace.net, but the link no longer works...It's a great tip worth saving, though! 

You know those packages of pre-sliced apples you can buy at the store? They are great for a healthy snack on the go, but the price can add up! Especially those ones in the Mickey Mouse packages... Make your own by slicing apples, soak in cold water for 3-5 minutes, then soak in a lemon-lime carbonated soda (such as 7-up or sprite) for 3-5 minutes. Divide into snack size portions and store in Ziploc bags in the fridge. The lemon-lime soda will keep the apples from browning and make them last longer. I don't know about your kids, but if mine see even the sliiiiightest bit of brown on apples, they won't touch them! So this is a great way to put apples in their lunch box pre-cut and easier to eat. If you go to Dollar Tree near the ziplok bags and stuff, you can get bags of tiny containers with lids. We like to put a dollop of peanut butter in there to dip them in!